Home Industrial Equipment Steps To Select The Right Gun For Your Welder Generator

Steps To Select The Right Gun For Your Welder Generator

Welding is a common process in the construction, heavy fabrication and shipbuilding industry sectors. It is described as a process where two metal pieces are joined together by heating them to a melting point. Complex, yet helpful, the welding process can be performed with different welding machines. These machines are used for the same purpose, with the main difference in the welding gun that is used. One of the most commonly used welding machines is the welder generator. Choosing a proper welding gun and welder generator for your work is very important, because it directly impacts the final results. When selecting a welding gun, you need to consider your personal preferences, the total owning cost of the gun and the expected service life. However, you also need to consider the associated costs of the welding gun over some time. Properly selected gun can save you time and money in the long run. Here are few simple steps to select the right welding gun for your welder generator:


Step 1: Determine The Amperage – When choosing a welding gun for your welder generator, the first and most important thing to consider is the materials and their characteristics. These factors will easily specify the needed amperage for proper welding. You need to choose a welding gun with an amperage that matches the needs of your applications. Usually, the guns with higher amperage are heavier than those with less amperage. But a heavy gun increases the operator’s fatigue and makes the tasks more complicated.

Step 2: Examine The Parts – Next, you need to examine the expendable parts of the welding gun. These parts can degrade over time due to spatter, wear and heat during the welding process. Their lifespan has a significant impact on the owning costs of welding gun. To keep the costs down, you need to choose more durable parts. In order to choose a gun with more durable parts, you need to pay attention on the design and material from which the parts are made of. Here is one advice for you: choose a welding gun with a larger contact tip. This gun can withstand more heat than other guns.

Step 3: Identify Your Personal Preference – Since you will probably hold the welding gun in your hands, it is very important to consider your own preferences. Some operators prefer an ergonomic and curbed handle that is comfortable in the hands, while others prefer a traditional, broomstick handle. These factors can certainly affect your efficiency and the welding quality of the welder generator.

Step 4: Consider The Maintenance – The maintenance of the welding gun affects the owning costs as well. The welding guns are prone to wear and tear because they are heavily used in the welding process. To make the maintenance easy, simple and cheap, choose a welding gun with a simple design. Simple design means cheaper maintenance.