Home Health & Beauty Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Prevent Damage to Your Adjacent Teeth Without Losing Your...

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Prevent Damage to Your Adjacent Teeth Without Losing Your Wisdom

Wisdom teeth are the last ones that grow in the oral cavity. They usually develop after a person reaches the age of 15. But that’s not always the case, sometimes they grow much later, or not at all. Those who don’t have them are truly blessed as lots of people experience pain during their growth as these usually push the rest of the teeth in the mouth. It’s safe to assume that wisdom teeth are not wise whatsoever. Now, enough rant about the problems that wisdom teeth cause us, let’s talk about solutions.


Information and Regular Check-ups are KEY
Even if you feel just a little pain in the back of your cavity, go see a wisdom teeth dentist, let him take a look and scan them if necessary to determine what the next step should be. Generally, wisdom teeth fall into three categories:

  • Erupted Wisdom Teeth – These are not much of an issue, they are functional teeth and the only problem is cleaning them due to them being so far back in the cavity.
  • Un-Erupted Wisdom Teeth – These need to be monitored frequently. Un-erupted wisdom teeth are teeth that have not made contact with the mouth, so it’s okay to leave them alone.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth– These are the ones that are truly a nuisance. They try to erupt into place but due to the insufficient space in the mouth, they’re stuck. They are at a risk of infection and often damage the nearby teeth. These most often need to be removed.

Painkillers for the Pain
If you just got a wisdom tooth removed, pain and swelling can be a normal occurrence. After the removal of the tooth, nerves are exposed and you can risk damaging one, which will cause some unwanted side-effects on your lips, chin and tongue. Taking some painkillers in the form of ibuprofen and paracetamol can help you deal with the aforementioned issues effectively.

Food and Drinks
When you undergo the procedure, liquids are your number one friend. Cold drinks like coconut water or fruit smoothies are the best for this. They are also healthy foods so why not, right? After a day or two, you can add some more solid food to your diet. Begin with something soft, like noodles, pudding or mashed potatoes, for example. Avoid hot dishes and spicy food, as they can make the entire healing process last longer than it really has to.

The best thing you can do for your wisdom teeth is to do regular check ups with a wisdom teeth dentist. That will make sure he notices them early on, so he can pay proper attention to their development process, and act if there is need to.