Freight Transportation And Logistics Industry
The freight transportation is an important sector of the overall economy in Australia. In fact, the freight transportation and logistics industry are often referred to as the backbone of the Australian economy. With the global market recovering, the future success of Australia heavily depends on increasing the productivity growth in the freight transportation sector, since it is the biggest contributor to the country's economy. Rail, air, water and road freight sectors are all important for the GDP growth, especially the road freight sector, which accounts for over 80% of the total revenue of transportation industry or over $50 billion per year.
With the growth over the past two decades in the road freight transportation and logistics industry, the demand for commercial vehicles and trucks for sale and employment opportunities have increased greatly. Currently, the industry employs over 193,000 people and truck driver is one of the occupations in high demand. On the market, innovative technologies, safer and more efficient trucks for sale can be found, additionally contributing to the growth of the freight transportation and logistics industry. So, the number of trucks for sale is expected to grow for 5% over the next 5 years, while the road freight rates are expected to decrease.
The growth of the online market of trucks for sale and other commercial vehicles will definitely impact the road freight transportation sector, offering more opportunities for truck drivers and smaller businesses. Business owners can now easily hire, sell or buy trucks online and get a better customer service.
More information about trucks can be found here