There are many benefits of having a garden shed in our garden or backyard. They’re the ultimate storage space addition that we usually lack in our home space and the best way to keep our outside area neat and organised. While the most apparent use of a garden shed is providing us with the storage space we need, many other benefits are not so obvious.
Reading about the many ideas of using a garden shed can inspire us to reconsider our garden area and make changes. These changes might be just the right thing to do to make the most out of our garden or yard. Here are some practical steps to achieve the garden look you’ve dreamed of.
1. Choose a Location

Finding the perfect spot in your garden for building a garden shed is the first step. It will help you determine the size of the shed later on. To do that, have a look at your yard. What is the ideal spot for your shed? Do you want it to stand out as a focal garden point, or do you want it to blend in?
Alignment is another thing you want to consider when finding the perfect place for your garden shed. You need to ask yourself which side you want to have access to. Also, what type of door would be the best for this location? Do you want it to have windows? To make the most out of your shed, you need to have these things in mind.
Before you determine the final location, make sure you can easily access it. Consider building pathways to it if possible or simply narrowing the land around it. You don’t want anything like handling bumps at the end of your project to ruin it for you.
2. Decide on the Size and Material
Garden sheds come in a variety of sizes. The smallest ones come in dimensions of 0.8×0.8m and up, and some of the largest can be wide up to 6m and deep up to 3m. For most homes, a 3m shed is big enough for their storage needs but not too bulky to fit in the yard. That’s why a garden shed 3x3m is the most popular size choice.
When it comes to materials – wood, metal, and plastic are the most commonly used ones. Wood sheds are the sturdiest and bulkiest. Plastic ones are lightweight and easy to move, making them a great choice if you haven’t decided on the final spot yet. Metal garden sheds are something in between and are widely used by many garden owners. They provide the quality and space needed for storage and many other uses of garden sheds.
3. Pick a Creative Use for Your Garden Shed

After you decide on the technical things like location, sizes and materials, here comes the most exciting step of the process – picking a theme for your garden shed. You’re probably asking yourself, ‘what can I turn my shed into?’ There are many things sheds can be used for, especially bigger ones, such as a garden shed 3x3m. Here are some of them.
Home Gym
How often have you wished you had a bigger space to work out? Or you wanted to start exercising, but you haven’t found the right spot? By turning your garden shed into a home gym, you’ll have the perfect space for a workout in peace. Just put all the workout equipment there, and you’re ready to go. If you have access to electricity, you can even put a TV in and do your online fitness classes there.
Home Office
Working from home has become the case over the last several years. If you find it hard to concentrate and be productive in your house, you will enjoy the peace that your garden shed can provide. The greenery scene of your garden can be exactly what you need for that little boost of daily creativity.
Do you have hobbies or crafts you would use some extra space for? Then turn your garden shed into a workshop. No matter the activity, you can store your supplies in your shed and not worry about putting them off every time you finish or cleaning the mess you make. Having a place you can engage in messy work without taking care of it can add a therapeutical effect to your DIY projects.
She/He Shed

She sheds, and man caves have become very popular in the last couple of years. Turning your shed into one can be very useful and provide you with some free space for a daily hideaway every time you get overwhelmed. Building she (or he) shed should be a process of highest space personalisation. This means looking into your inner self when looking for ways to set a mood and decoration. Ask yourself what calms ad relaxes you and what you see as the best way to take care of yourself when defining the purpose of your she shed. It can be a cozy reading corner, a movie theatre, a pub, or a bar.
Having little children can be exhausting. The lack of sleep you get and the constant worry to keep them safe and alive can make mums tired. And on top of that, cleaning the mess their children make daily. If you feel tired of cleaning the toys and the mess after your kids, how about moving them to a separate play area outside your home? The kids will enjoy having their own space to play, while your house will be less messy.
Garden Room
Building a garden shed is a great way to make your garden a sanctuary. If you need an outdoor space where you can drink a coffee and take a break from gardening, you can turn your shed into a garden room. Consider making it more open if you want to enjoy the garden view and lounge in peace.