Home Food & Drinks Juicing With Whole Fruit Juicers: Steps To A 7-Day Juicing Plan

Juicing With Whole Fruit Juicers: Steps To A 7-Day Juicing Plan

Did you know that according to a study where 12 different fruits were analyzed by researchers, results showed that 90% of the antioxidant activity was in the juice rather than the fiber? So, if you are ready to start a new healthy lifestyle, you should get a quality whole fruit juicer right now. This is your best go-to boosting energy solution.

Most people turn to coffee (or other drinks loaded with caffeine) as they find it to be the best solution to charge their batteries with energy for a whole day. But what they do not know is that a glass of freshly-made fruit juice is far more effective when it comes to boosting the energy levels. And let’s not talk how healthier the home-made fruit juice is compared to coffee, which is dehydrating and taxing to the body.

Whole fruit juicers are great option to ensure you are getting the recommended servings of fruits and veggies per day. But, the greatest thing about whole fruit juicers is that these small and highly versatile kitchen appliances allow users to make their own fruit and vegetable combinations, thus healthy cocktail receipts. To help boost your creativity, take a look at our 7-day juicing plan.


  • Day No.1: Green Juice – Green juices can be quite tasty, but what makes them popular among nutritionists is the fact that they promote high levels of energy, boost immunity and promote weight loss.
  • Day No.2: Tomato-Vegetable Juice – It is considered as one of the healthiest drinks to grab on the go, especially in occasions where your fresh-juice choices are limited. The tomato juice is extremely good for the heart, the blood pressure and for reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Day No.3: Strawberry-Cucumber Juice – There is no better antioxidant juice than the strawberry-cucumber juice. Apart from being extremely tasty, this juice helps prevent breast, cervix, colon and esophageal cancer.
  • Day No.4: Blueberry-Cabbage Power Juice– Another antioxidants-loaded juice that offers amazing health benefits for the gastrointestinal system. It also promotes weight loss.
  • Day No.5: Spinach-Apple Juice – Rich in calcium, the spinach-apple juice is extremely good for the bone health, as it aids in cartilage and bone growth.
  • Day No.6: Ginger-Beet Juice – The delicious flavour is not the only reason why people love the ginger-beet juice. It is also powerful in reducing the muscle damage and pain, and boosting the endurance (it is especially recommended for active sports persons).
  • Day No.7: Carrot-Orange Juice – Loaded with vitamins and minerals, the carrot-orange juice is excellent for maintaining the healthy vision and metabolism, helps in lowring bad cholesterol and promotes lung health.