Home Home Pivot Hinges: A Step in the Right Direction for Door Functionality

Pivot Hinges: A Step in the Right Direction for Door Functionality

When taking all the small decor steps for a beautifully accessorised home, we tend to focus on the bigger picture and those larger pieces that have a more visible impact. But it’s the small details that oftentimes make the most difference. Sure, the kind of door you choose and the material it’s made of are all vital elements for the overall success of a home. However, what truly seals the deal is the type of hinge that you get, as this directly impacts the door’s performance.

When you think about it, these pieces are entirely functional in nature. Way back when, people didn’t have access to the wide range of hardware designs we have today. But with the rise in technology, new and improved hinges are being released that allow for a more reliable function and better performance in general.

What Are Pivot Hinges?

source: singcore.com

First things first, when you’re trying to select an appropriate pivot hinge for door functionality, you need to understand what their primary purpose is. In short, they allow the door to rotate on a vertical axis and open from the centre. They usually come in pairs, with one hinge placed on the top edge of the door and another located at the bottom.

This system works by the door rotating on an axis that is located somewhere between the top and bottom hinges. This allows for a smooth operation as you won’t have to fight against gravity when you open it. You can effortlessly swing the door open and shut, with a smooth motion and no major resistance.

Types of Pivot Door Hinges

While the pivot door mechanism features the same basic system, there are subtle differences in the way the different types of hinges work that can affect the overall performance. This inherently impacts the design criteria and type you should choose for your door setup. Here are a few of the most common options you’ll come across:

Centre Pivot Hinges

Perhaps the most widely used option, the centre pivot hinge is ideal for heavy doors. This particular design places the door’s axis of rotation in the middle and at the same time centres it in the opening. As such, it provides maximum support, ensuring that there’s no excessive strain on the door or frame.

Offset Pivot Hinges

For lighter doors, consider using the offset option. This design places the door’s axis of rotation near the centre but slightly to one side, allowing for less weight and a more balanced operation when opening and closing it. The more the offset, the easier it is to open and close due to the weight distribution.

Intermediate Pivot Hinges

Next up is an option that delivers the perfect balance between a centre and an offset pivot hinge. It places the axis in the middle of the opening, but it’s not centred exactly at the same height as the door’s edges. This allows for some weight distribution while still providing a strong support system that can handle heavier doors without issue.

Invisible Pivot Hinges

source: amazon.com

If you don’t like seeing the hinges at all, then this is the one for you. As its name suggests, it’s an invisible model that tucks away in between the frame and door when shut. This option is fantastic if you’re looking to maintain a minimalistic look to your doors while still enjoying a reliable performance. It has the same capabilities as the others but without the visible component.

How to Choose the Right One for Your Door?

Having a better understanding of what’s available and how each one works is a crucial part of your selecting a pivot hinge for door functionality. However, there are a few more factors that you should consider before choosing one for your particular setup.

Consider the Door Weight and Size

It’s essential to make sure that the door is compatible with the weight and size of the hinge you’re looking to buy. In general, heavier models need sturdier hinges, while smaller versions should use lighter ones. Consider how much movement you expect when opening and closing your door, and don’t forget to factor in any additional details such as security locks or anti-slam systems that might affect the overall performance.

Material Options

When it comes to material, your two main options are stainless steel and brass. Each of these varieties has its own unique characteristics that affect the operation in different ways. If you’re looking for a more durable option, then stainless steel is probably the better choice as it’s more resistant to corrosion. On the other hand, if you want to add a bit of glamour and luxury then brass can certainly deliver a more sophisticated aesthetic.

Installation Requirements

Finally, make sure that your chosen option can be successfully installed in the door frame and surrounding area. Some models require additional reinforcement or specific tools for them to securely hold up the door’s weight. It’s critical to read all of the product specifications thoroughly beforehand so that you understand what needs to be done during installation and whether or not all of the necessary components are included.