Using home spas and hot tubs is one of the best ways to relax and unwind after a long and hard day at work. They offer many health benefits such as muscle relaxation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, better sleeping habits and much more. When you want the real deal having just a spa-like bathroom is not enough. But buying a hot tub is a big investment that you have to do right. You don’t want to spend your money in vain and replace the tub just a few months later.

Type of Material
Deciding what type of material you want will have a big influence on the quality and price of the hot tub. When you want to buy spa online for convenience or go to the local store, always keep a price range in mind. This will make your decision much easier.
Acrylic hot tub shells are regarded as some of the toughest and finest on the market. Manufacturers first create a mould in a specific shape, then heat a single acrylic sheet until it begins to melt, and they cover the mould with it. To provide a seamless, smooth surface, vacuums remove any trapped air between the mould and the acrylic sheet.
These hot tubs are heavy and their transport or moving around can be difficult. It takes a lot of commitment and effort to install one in your home, but its durability, quality and capacity with heat retention make it worthy. This is the most expensive material for a hot tub.
Hot tubs that are connected to in-ground swimming pools typically have vinyl liners. Vinyl hot tub liners are created by stretching the material over a frame constructed of concrete or another durable material, which gives the liner its form. They’re inexpensive to buy and you can easily afford one for your backyard.

Although vinyl hot tubs are less costly than acrylic ones, they do have a few drawbacks. They don’t maintain heat as best as the others materials do. This forces your hot tub’s motor to work harder resulting in a higher electrical bill. In comparison to other hot tub materials, vinyl is also less durable.
Rotomoulded Plastic
This is a lightweight material that’s easily portable and made from polyethylene. Manufacturers make it by moulding and melting plastic powder. Rotomoulded plastic hot tubs perform better than vinyl ones, but they still don’t retain heat well, leading to the same electricity issue. They’re cheaper than the vinyl ones, which can be convenient.
What About Size?
Size matters when it comes to hot tubs. A larger pool will be more expensive and can take up more area, but a smaller one won’t have as many jets or be as accommodating as you’d want it to be. The models can vary from a 2-person one to a party-sized spa to host your closest friends. Consider the number of family members you have and make a decision accordingly because while you enjoy in the tub you need to feel comfortable and relaxed.
There are different-sized hot tubs on the market so they can fit any indoor or outdoor space:
- Small (2-4 people) – 162-213cm long, 162-203cm wide, 73-88cm high;
- Medium (5-6 people) – 198-236cm long, 193-236cm wide, 83-98cm high;
- Large (7+ people) – 213-274cm long, 213-279cm wide, 91-96cm high.
If you plan on placing the hot tub inside, consider the entry points. Make sure that the size of the tub fits through the doors. This is not a big issue when you place it outside but still, keep an eye on the dimensions. Of course, if you’re a tall family, measure around your tallest family member so they can also enjoy the benefits of the spa.
Where is the Right Placement?
Before you buy spa online or go to the local store, make sure you inform yourself about the legal requirements you need to fulfil in order to own a spa. There isn’t a specific location that’s marked as the best for a placement. It all depends on a couple of factors and of course, your personal preferences. Make sure it’s around 4-5m away from any powerlines, and 6-7m away from any structure so if a flood happens the structure won’t be harmed. If you can’t put it close to the house, create a small changing area for the winter period.

You should leave enough space to access the maintenance panel and to cover and uncover the hot tub without any issues. If you don’t want your neighbours to look at you, position the tub behind a wall, privacy fence, hedge or trees. If you don’t have a view of the sunset or sunrise and your home is surrounded by walls, think about planting some flowers or installing a fountain. This way you’ll still have a nice, relaxing view.
These tubs weigh a lot, so you’ll need a sturdy base to place them on. One of the easiest options is to pour concrete and make it 10cm deep. Some people go for concrete pavers but they might move and make the tub fall out of balance. Spa pads are a great option for temporary installations, and they can go on soil or grass to make a sturdy base. The best way to shade your spa is with a gazebo, awning or pergola. Trees look nice, but you don’t want to pick up leaves every time you go inside the tub.
Essential Accessories
Sometimes it’s just not enough to get into the hot tub and relax. Oftentimes the accessories you’ll need can make the whole experience even better. The first thing you need to have is a chlorine floater to keep the water and pipes clean. Getting some spa steps is also important. Without them, it’ll be very awkward and dangerous to get in and out. You can find them in different sizes and number of steps. Plus, some of them even have storage space for chemicals, towels or other accessories.
A spa vacuum does a great job at cleaning any debris or sand and dirt that accumulate at the bottom of the tub. It makes cleaning much faster and simpler. When your body soaks in the water it can dehydrate faster, so refreshing yourself with a drink is nice. This is where the cup holder comes into play. This tray-like platform will keep your drinks and bottle away from the water. Towel holders are also very practical. Instead of running to get a towel, you can just reach for the rack that keeps the towel close by, dry and clean.