It is no lie that about 15% of Australians have back problems. This statistic is based on self-reported data from the ABS, which means that the number is probably higher, as there are people, like myself, who refuse to acknowledge the pain and only see it as an inconvenience. However, after years of suffering and denying the fact that I needed help, I finally came to my senses and decided to do something to try get rid of the nagging back pain that tortured me mainly when I was sitting in the office.
The first red light that hit me hard was when I hit the gym and started doing back exercises. The pain that I felt after exercising did not worry me as I knew why I had it. But then after a couple of days had passed and the pain of my workout was gone, I still found myself unable to do things without feeling pain in certain parts of my back and could not maintain a good posture. I figured my body was so used to the bad posture that holding myself straight up had became painful. Ouch!
I did a lot of online research and browsed what else I could do in order to improve my posture and help reduce the back pain I was experiencing. No doubt, exercising was on that list, which I had already started doing for a different purpose. Here are the other things I decided to change in my life for the sake of my well being.
Office Ergonomics
I said that I experienced most back pain while I was at work sitting on my desk. So the most logical thing to do was get myself new furniture ergonomics, that is a new ergonomic chair and desk. A lot of manufacturers falsely label their products as ergonomic, so beware of these false advertisements. True furniture ergonomics, like chairs, are fully height adjustable. The seat should be able to move easily downwards or upwards, it should have adequate upper, middle and lower back support and should have armrests. Plus, the padding should be cozy enough to ensure comfort and ergonomic support.
Home Ergonomics
There is no doubt that getting a quality good night’s sleep is essential. The mattress you sleep on and the pillows you rest your head on are of utmost importance. Moreover, adding an extra pillow under your body can help you maintain the natural curve of your spine. As you spend almost a third of your life in bed, investing in quality pillows and a quality mattress is something you should strongly consider.
Healthy Weight
It’s no lie that having excess weight can take its toll on your back and cause you pain. Losing a few kilograms might not sound like the perfect solution, but it can help you a lot. If you’re having trouble taking off extra kilograms, consider consulting with a dietitian or a personal trainer. Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in.