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As soon as you make up your mind on wanting to create a garden, it’s needless to say you expect the best outcome. Seeing your garden thrive is part of the success, and is the encouragement you’d get to continue with the great job, and work on those green thumb skills. One of the things you learn as a gardener is how to rely on nature, which would in turn make you get in the habit to make organic choices instead of synthetic.

Of course you’d try fertilising with chemicals, but soon you’d start to wonder how to amp up the organic compounds in your garden, and do what’s best for your plants by providing them with natural solutions. That’s how you’d get to mulching.

Electric Mulcher

Mulch is the natural protective covering for your plants and soil, that won’t just serve as a coat and shield them from weather conditions, as well as provide them with the necessary nutrients, but would also prove to be the perfect way to battle unwanted weeds as it cuts down their nutrients. And all you need to start mulching is to get yourself an electric mulcher.

As you’d find out, this is a mighty power tool, reaching chipping speed of 4500 RPM, that would greatly reduce your time trying to get the garden back in order after all the leaves start falling around from your trees, and you get bonus help if you get an electric mulcher that’s also a vacuum which would save you from raking the leaves too.

Though usually you’d want to wait up for leaves to dry, there are mulchers that work just as great with wet as they do with dry leaves, including give you the option to get bushy branches chopped thanks to an oversized hopper. When the mulcher does its job and shreds the leaf material, add them in a compost bin, so that the mulching process can begin and work out throughout winter.

This would ensure you get your mulch ready for the upcoming spring season. To help out the process, it’s best to separate the material in layers, and add grass clippings over each to supply the material with the needed nitrogen so that leaves would break down easily, as well as a bit of water just to provide the compound with some moisture – mind you though, nothing too wet!

Once spring comes, you can be sure the mulch would be ready to use, so you can start applying it over the soil. The way the mulch contributes to the soil’s nutrients is through decomposing, and it would provide the soil with enough moisture and nutrients so you can cut down on the fertilising with chemicals, as well as watering frequently. Now that you know how easy it is to create mulch, hopefully you’re inspired enough to make this organic matter part of your garden.

Trees are beautiful additions to any garden. They provide a thick and cool shade to chill under on sunny days and attract singing birds that make your outdoor space even more lively. However, nothing in this world is perfect and trees have their downsides too.

When trees start shedding their leaves, not only are you left with a bare tree, but also with a mess that’s destroying the perfect balance of your landscape. It doesn’t even have to be your tree, thanks to the wind, leaves from trees hundreds of metres away can find their way to your yard. Therefore, leaf blowers are a must-have tool that can help any garden owner clean his windblown walkways, front porch or garden beds from debris as well as some light snow. If you are looking for a leaf blower, here are a few steps to help you make a smart purchase.

Spending all your working hours inside an office is not as fun as some people might think. Some offices feel like cages and you’re basically trapped inside 4 walls. But there are certain ways to break monotony, and the best way to do it is by incorporating some greenery into your working place. What’s not to love about plants? They reduce tension, anxiety and stress, and add appeal and class to your working place. But most importantly, they’re the first step towards living a greener life.


Offices and building environments look much more calming and feel like nicer places to be in when plants are present – they are colourful, interesting and relaxing. The effects plants have on us allow us to perceive our surroundings better and make us feel more comfortable. Furthermore, they’re known as great productivity boosters. Concentration, focus and cognitive tasks are all improved, and fewer mistakes are made overall. These performance enhancements are attributed to the plants’ ability to reduce carbon dioxide in the air.

Some people are afraid of having plants in their office because they think taking care of them would take up much of their time. However, modern commercial office planters are an easy solution to that problem. They have self-watering features which help keep all the nutrients in the soil, and water the plants only when necessary. The water reservoir of the planters can take care of the plants’ watering needs for about a week, and afterwards all you will have to do is fill it up.


Moreover, besides the psychological benefits plants can have on people, they can play a huge role in the overall look of your office as well. You can interconnect multiple commercial office planters and place them in a way so they can act like walls. Therefore, you don’t need expensive art on your walls to make the office look classier. You can simply put up a planter or two with a succulent or peace lily in it to make your office look more welcoming. Or, if you are into more classy and complex plant options and love the vibes that certain combinations of plants emit in a space, you can look up ways to group different plants in one planter to create a more vivid office sight.

By taking care of plants, you’re actively working on yourself to be more environment-conscious as well. The plants will increase the oxygen levels in your office and the self-watering planters will save you water. There are probably zero reasons why you shouldn’t invest into some planters and plants for your office. Just make sure the plants you pick can thrive with limited sunlight and that they are a good fit for the planters, so they don’t clamp their roots and die out. You don’t need to be a scientist to realize that there are no disadvantages of having plants in your working place. Take your office to a new level!

If there’s one thing today’s world needs more of it’s got to be greenery. Knowing the importance of plants, we still fail to give them as much attention as they need and even focus more on creating new and enlarged cityscapes. Considering the ratio of the amount of greenery and pollutants in a city, parks alone aren’t enough. This is a worthy reason to make you think of becoming a gardener. It doesn’t matter how small you go so long as you contribute to the preservation of the environment. With the trend of tiny gardens nowadays, gardening has never been easier because you can have plants just about anywhere, be it your balcony, patio, deck, or even inside your home by your kitchen counter or living room bookshelves (where there’s a will, there’s a way!).


People have made a huge deal about GMO foods on the internet and TV and most of them automatically associate it with negativity. However, that’s not always the case. Genetically modified organisms don’t necessarily need to be negative, but the greedy mass production industries make them so. They don’t modify the vegetables and fruits to be nutritious and tasty, they modify them to be big in size, appealing to the eye and to meet the huge demand, sacrificing the healthy values and taste.


There are not many ways you can get your hands on some healthy and tasty vegetables nowadays. You need to either grow them yourself, or get them from someone in your close family. If you do take the first approach – growing them by yourself, there are a few things you should know and consider before doing so. Before you plant the seeds, you need to ensure they originate from a quality and reputable farm. You can buy vegetable seeds online from many reputable vendors that have been growing nutrient-rich and tasty seeds for over a few decades.

A lot of people that live in urban areas are discouraged and think they don’t have the means to grow their own vegetables. Wrong. You don’t need much space to grow your favourite vegetables and there are certainly modern solutions to your space limitation. There are vegetable garden planter boxes that have self-watering features and will give you the freedom to continue with your everyday responsibilities without worrying too much about the vegetables.

Vegetable Garden Planter Boxes

Furthermore, the self-watering vegetable garden planter boxes will ensure the nutrients stay inside the soil, while preventing over or under-watering of the vegetables, ensuring they grow healthy and in good conditions, which is something of great importance. The benefits of growing your own vegetables are numerous, here are a few notable ones:

  • Save money on groceries – Your grocery bills will decrease as you’ll be growing your own tasty vegetables. You can buy vegetable seeds at very affordable prices and you can dry them to use them next year as well.

  • Stop worrying about the safety of the food – Many people are concerned about the quality of the food they consume. By growing your own food you’ll no longer have that fear, knowing that your food is grown in great conditions, thus it is healthy and safe.

  • Build a sense of pride – Watching your seeds blossom under your care can give you a feeling of gratification. This is one of the most important things in life and it can take you back (mentally) to times where everything wasn’t mechanized.



Whether you want to fill your outdoor space with greenery or start a new fun and creative hobby, gardening is the perfect solution. It is an amazing activity that gives you the opportunity to learn more about different plants and develop a green thumb. Plus, it is the ideal activity to relax and escape at least for a couple of minutes from today’s fast-paced and busy lifestyle.


There is really no better way to contribute to a healthier environment then gardening. Every gardener knows that there is nothing more rewarding than planting different seeds and watching them grow and transform into wonderful plants that reflect the beauty of nature. However, before you can enjoy in the scenic view of your garden, you should first prepare yourself with the right equipment. From picking durable gardening gloves to choosing the perfect soil for your plants, the road to becoming a skilful gardener involves careful planning and proper organization. However, the most important thing is finding the perfect planters and pots where your precious plants can thrive.

Nowadays, there is a vast selection of planters and online and offline shops offer various models that differ in size, design and material. While the design is probably the first thing that comes to mind, quality should not be disregarded. In fact, it must be a priority since it can make or break the whole gardening process. So the main dilemma now is how to find durable and efficient planters and pots that will have a unique design and be efficient at the same time. Well, the self-watering Hdpe planter is the best solution to all of these problems. It has a modern yet sophisticated design, but most importantly it is specifically manufactured to make gardening an easy and enjoyable task.

The durable yet simple construction of the Hdpe planter makes it perfect for both indoor and outdoor gardening. Therefore, it is no surprise that it is loved and used by beginners and professional alike. This amazing product comes with an advanced self-watering system which enables you to grow healthy and beautiful plants. Its unique construction allows for constant supply of water to different depths which results in a healthy root development and growth. Besides this, Hdpe planters provide a wide range of decorating options and are the perfect accessory for decorating any urban environment as well. With their modern and practical design you can add a touch of greenery to the balcony, kitchen, living room, deck, patio and even your office.

These advanced planters are made from hard-wearing materials which makes them extremely resistant and definitely a smart investment in the long run. Furthermore, their modular design and innovative features provide many options, making them one of the most popular choice of planters on the market today. Whether you want to grow healthy fruit and vegetables or simply enrich your space with colourful flowers and unique herbs, Hdpe planters are exactly what you need to master the creative art called gardening.

Okay gardeners, now that you have your ornamental trees all planted and perfectly positioned in your backyard to beautify your landscape, next thing you should do is learn how to take proper care of their health and looks. And when it comes to taking care of trees, the first thing you should perfect is the art of pruning. Not just that pruning is a technique for maintaining a tree’s health and good condition, it’s an activity that has a very calming effect on people.  Ornamental Trees

Choosing nursery trees to enhance your garden, is not all about making a list of specific tree species you need to buy. There is a wide variety of nursery trees available on the market, but not all of them have the same requirements and needs for a successful growth. If you don’t have a broad experience in gardening and feel confused from the vast range offered on the market, read on – we’ve prepared a simple guide on choosing the best nursery trees. Here are the three main steps you need to follow in the pursuit for the best trees that will best thrive in your garden.

Nursery Trees

Last spring I decided to participate in the Garbage & Recycling program offered by our local farmers. Apart form being very informative and inspiring, the free classes helped me understand just how important and natural it is to transform organic waste into soil building substances. I also came to realize just how much we need to get back to our roots and produce our own organic products in this ever expalnding, but way too artificial world (food-wise especially). Below, I will furthermore discuss the necessary steps to proper maintenance of a composting project.