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Your baby’s almost here, isn’t it? What an exciting thought. Emotions are at an all-time high and preparations are swiftly underway for the grand arrival. Absolutely nothing can beat the feeling of holding your baby for the first time. It’s a truly life-changing experience. You’ll definitely all the cramps, bloating and nausea if it means you’ll be rewarded with your little angel’s presence one day.

Seeing as the birth of your child is such a momentous time in your life, you’ll have to do everything in your power to adjust to those new circumstances. Naturally, parents-to-be direct their attention to setting up the nursery which is supposed to be a safe environment for your baby. Mind you, this isn’t an easy task because there are lots of things you need to cross off your list. If you get caught up in that whirlwind and start to panic, you’re bound to get something wrong. But don’t fret, we’ll be listing all of the bare necessities to ensure a safe and warm welcome for your baby.

What Nursing Accessories Do You Need?

baby sleeping in crib

When you think about it, this is the place where your child will spend most of its time. Whether it’s catching up on some mid-day naps or chewing on a few toys, your baby should feel comfortable and happy in that environment. So without further ado, let’s dive in.

Baby Cot

Even if you want your little one to sleep in your room for the first few weeks, you’ll have to make that transition to sleeping in a cot in the nursery eventually. Either way, it’s best to buy one beforehand so you have it ready to go. Once your baby’s born, we doubt you’ll have enough free time to go shopping around.

Seeing as babies spend most of their time sleeping, it’s important that the cot’s mattress is cosy and comfortable. Additionally, you should get one that’s easy to clean and maintain because you’ll more than likely deal with a few poo or pee stains at some point.

Baby Swaddle

baby wrapped in a baby swaddle

Once your little one exits the womb, this is the first thing that doctors use to wrap them up in. And that’s how the irrefutable bond between baby and swaddle comes to be. From this point on, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you have at least one of these available at all times.

Evidently, baby swaddles are the most important tool to help your child adjust to the real world for many reasons. For starters, being wrapped up in a warm cloth closely resembles the feeling of being inside the womb. This, in turn, helps your child feel safe and secure. Secondly, the snug fit prevents your baby from flailing its arms and legs during naps. As a result, your baby will enjoy uninterrupted sleep sessions for as long as necessary.

Seeing as babies have very sensitive skin, you need to be extra careful with the materials you choose. Fortunately, there are plenty of options so it won’t be too difficult to find a soft baby swaddle Australia dermatologists recommend. Word of advice – it’s a good idea to go for hypoallergenic materials such as cotton which will effectively prevent rashes and allergic reactions. Additionally, you should look into the material’s elasticity. It should be stretchable enough to not feel limiting but it shouldn’t be loose either.

Last but not least, you need to match the size of the swaddle to your baby’s body type. If your child’s a little on the chubbier side, there’s no point in getting a small piece of cloth and vice versa. Take a good look around before you decide on any type of baby swaddle Australia stores sell.

Baby Change Mats

happy baby getting changed in a baby change mat

Changing diapers is a fundamental part of the baby package. Seeing as you’ll be doing it a few times each day, you’ll need to look into practical baby change mats to make the whole process much easier. After all, why should you lay your precious angel down on a cold, hard surface when you can use a squishy mat for maximum comfort?

Making sure that the change mat is completely waterproof should be the most important feature on your list. Most of the time, changing diapers can be very messy, with all sorts of liquids and substances flying around. If your changing station isn’t waterproof, all of the aforementioned fluids can seep into the pad. Sure, it’ll probably dry out over time but if this persists, there can be long-term consequences in the form of mould and mildew, both of which need to stay as far as possible from your baby.

Another useful feature to look out for in a baby change mat is the contoured design. The elevated sides provide additional support. Plus, there’s usually extra cushioning around the head for an ergonomic laying position. If you’re looking for more security features, then look for change mats with adjustable restraint straps to keep your baby in place while you change diapers. Babies are notorious for tossing and turning quite often and this will help tone down their movements. Once you take all of these factors into account, you should be able to find a change mat that suits your needs and preferences.

Baby Monitor

As much as you’d want to do it, it’s virtually impossible to be by your baby’s side at all times. Even if you have to take a quick trip to the bathroom or run a few errands around the house, it’s not safe to leave your baby completely unattended. For this reason, you should install a baby monitor to keep a close eye on that little munchkin even when you’re not physically in the same room.

Baby play toys


Growing a human being and learning how to take care of it while you take extra care of yourself can make pregnancy, although beautiful, truly challenging. When preparing for your first newborn you should just take a deep breath, don’t be afraid to lean on your friends and family, and start taking care of the essentials for the baby’s arrival which besides basic physiological needs, include a safe environment.

New parents have a lot on their plate – acquiring all the needed supplies and reading up all there is about welcoming a new baby in the family are just part of the parenting process which encompasses many preparational steps for the first baby. So, if you’re a new parent reading this, we know exactly what you’re going through.

Along with all the aspects to learn about raising a happy and healthy baby that could be troubling you, we’re guessing sleeping is among the top concerns considering it’s one of the biggest frustrations. As every caring parent, you want your bub to catch the needed z’s every night (so you would too) and take it as your mission to provide the best sleep environment with versatile newborn baby sleeping products.

Age is just a number, right? Forget about all those people that say that you’re too old for toys. Who says that toys are the perfect present for teenagers and toddlers only? If buying a toy or two of your own is something that brings you joy, then it’s totally worth it.

Having a baby is one of the most joyful moments for couples. But once you realise that there are many important steps to raising a healthy and happy baby it can quilty turn into some of the most confusing times.

There are many questions that new parents will have on their mind when it comes to their little one’s health and happiness. But what most of them fail to even consider is the quality of the toys their baby plays with. Even though they might seem just a tool to occupy your little one while you do the dishes in peace, in reality, toys can greatly shape the mental development of children.

In fact, it’s well known that babies start their cognitive development in their first year, such as learning to focus their vision, learning about their environment, thinking and memorising things and perceiving different shades and colours. One of the easiest ways to contribute to your baby’s mental development a lot of parents recommend is allowing your baby to play with toys.

But when it comes to giving your baby toys, you need to be careful about how safe they are and the impact they have. For this reason, we sorted out some of the most trusted toy brands Australia wide that have been proven to be safe and beneficial for babies’ cognitive development.

Plan Toys

picture of a baby playing with a plan robot toy

When it comes to finding quality toys, a well-stocked baby online shopping store is a great place to start your search, especially if you live in a small town with stores that don’t carry brands like Plan Toys. Why Plan Toys, you ask? Well, this is one of the most popular brands that offers a great range of wooden educational toys which are very beneficial for your baby for many reasons.

First of all, Plan Toys produce wooden toys that are sustainable and eco-friendly and don’t contain the toxic BPA which are commonly found in plastic toys. BPA has been found to be harmful to the health of both babies and adults. However, even some wooden toys can contain toxic chemicals usually found in adhesives. But that’s luckily not the case with Plan Toys. In fact, the woods they use for manufacturing are planted by the local farmers from the seedling. After 5-7 years of fostering them, they’re finally harvested and transferred to their manufacturing facilities where the toys are produced without using any chemical adhesives, but plant-derived glues instead.

Aside from being toxin-free, these wooden toys are some of the most durable and indestructible toys that won’t crack or break even if your little one constantly throws them everywhere. Due to their durability, wooden toys can become heirloom toys that can have a great sentimental value too, which means once your little one grows up, you can pass them on to the next generations as a lovely family heritage.

So, don’t hesitate to choose from Plan Toys’ great range of toys that entertain and educate your baby- from the learning puzzles and alphabet sets to many different surgeon or detective kits and racing cars – a little bit of all to stimulate your little one’s senses.


picture of a baby playing wit music instrument on a blanket in the yard

Playing with musical instruments is one of the ideal ways to encourage your baby’s creativity from the very first months. Not only is it great for stimulating their creative flow and encouraging self-expression, but it’s also great for boosting their cognitive and sensory development. This is due to the music’s rhythm which helps the brain transmit information faster. Additionally, playing with a toy instrument can benefit the child’s fine motor skills by strengthening the muscles and improving hand-eye coordination.

Halilit is one of the brands that offer a great range of musical toys for babies which you can order from most of the baby online shopping stores. Their vision is to ensure a future where everybody participates and benefits from music-making, as well as delivering the highest standards of innovative musical instruments that are safe for little babies and children. Aside from that, their musical toys are used in a lot of nurseries, baby groups and pre-schools across the country. Get your little one some lovely bells, tambourines or castanets, and see the joy on their face when making some music.


picture of baby playing with a vtech toy

We all know that the future is in technology, so why not give your child a headstart with some tech toys that can build some technology knowledge from an early age? Not only can they teach technology, but they also promote education and enhance creativity. You can embrace these benefits by getting your baby some of Vtech’s electronic toys like baby tablets, play phones, remotes, activity tables even techno strollers that are developed by social psychologists with the goal to promote babies’ education, social skills and creativity. The Vtech toys can be also found in every well-stocked brick-and-mortar or online baby shop across the country.


picture of baby on the bad with a bear plush toy
source: Minnie Zhou on Unsplash

Of course, no baby toy collection would be complete without some plushies. Not only do most plushies have a 0 risk f harming your little one, but a simple stuffed animal can become your baby’s first best friend and a companion in which your baby finds comfort and can practices social and language skills with by playing pretend.

Weegoamigo is one of the safest plush toy brands you must include in your baby products shopping list because they produce cute crotchet rattles that are 100% handmade from cotton outer and polyester filling in cute shapes. So, don’t hesitate to get your little one a new friend, from the range of animal rattles such as penguins and kangaroos to the little apple or carrot rattles which teach your baby some healthy lessons. These rattles are also very hygienic since you can always hand wash them to prevent dust from getting into contact with your little bundle’s soft skin.

Lulla Dolls by RoRo

picture of a baby sleeping beside a Lulla doll

Have in mind that newborns in their first months don’t get attached to inanimate objects, but they recognise human features. This is undoubtedly the number one reason to get your doll toy, like for instance a Lulla doll by RoRo.

These famous dolls are available in different skin and hair colours and have been deemed to be part of the 10 best baby sleep products in 2021. This shouldn’t be a surprise, since these dolls are so innovative that they are used even by a great number of nurseries and hospitals across Australia.

From the experience of many parents and caretakers, these dolls have been found to be the ultimate soother and sleep companion for preemies, babies and toddlers.

They work by imitating the parents’ closeness with their soft feel and sound of real-life breathing and heartbeat up to 12 hours, which is very useful to soothe babies and get them to peacefully sleep through the entire night. Also, you won’t have to worry about dust and different dirt sticking to your little one’s sensitive skin too, since these dolls are completely safe to be machine-washed. All of these features truly make for one of the most valuable toys for babies, so make sure you don’t skip it when you’re shopping for baby toys.

As soon as the news that you’re going to become a parent sinks in, and celebration mode has passed, you’re faced with all sorts of fears and thoughts. As overwhelming as it may seem, it’s important that you realise such worries don’t make you any less of a parent than others. In fact, they’re a normal part of the process of preparing for the arrival of your child.

real racing car and rc model of it
source: MotorTrend

No matter whether you’re eight or forty, if you love cars, races and tinkering with things, RC cars can provide you with many hours of fun, excitement and challenges to overcome.

RC cars have come a long way, and now there are models that can reach speeds of 80 km/h and are fitted with suspension systems that can be tuned just like on a real car! But the most exciting part is the huge range of RC vehicles. You can drive a monster truck on dirt tracks, RC race cars on smooth surfaces, or even fly an RC plane!

However, as exciting as it may be, the sheer amount of brands, specs and varieties of RC vehicles can make it confusing as to what model to buy. In fact, buying your first RC car requires a fair amount of research, evaluation of your needs, and price comparison. Even though all RCs feature the same components – a receiver, transmitter, motor and power source – these components can greatly vary in type, size and level of difficulty.

The first step to buying RC race cars is deciding whether you want a nitro or electric-powered model. Nitro cars are faster and more powerful, but their engines require more tuning and plenty of maintenance. Electric-powered cars, on the other hand, aren’t as fast and powerful, but they run much quieter and are easier for beginners.

Then, you’ll have to decide whether you want an RC race car that’s ready to run right out the box, or if you want to build one from scratch. Ready to run cars are best for beginners who just want to join in on the fun as soon as possible, while build-your-own kits are for those who want to understand how RC cars work since you’ll be building it from scratch.

Electric vs Nitro Race Cars

rc car
source: Top Toy Space

As briefly aforementioned, nitro cars are faster, but require more maintenance and tuning, whereas electric cars are simpler and easier to run. Electric cars run cleaner and quieter, allowing you to use them wherever you want. Although not as powerful as nitro cars, electric cars are pretty close, thanks to the recent advancements in RC batteries and motor technology. They use rechargeable battery packs that can be recharged from a wall socket or 12V car battery. Depending on the motor of the car, the batteries can run for about 10 minutes, and recharging the battery requires about 15-30 minutes. For that reason, it’s recommended you always have an extra battery pack or two at hand so that you can keep the fun going.

Electric cars are more affordable initially, but the accessories like a battery charger, extra battery pack and other accessories can quickly add up. Of course, all these costs depend on what type of car you end up buying and what type of batteries it requires. And even though electric cars require a fair amount of maintenance, it’s still significantly less than having to care for the air filters, fuel and tuning that are required for maintaining a nitro car.

Nitro cars are named after the special type of fuel that powers them. And although they’re not the typical choice for beginners, they’re the best choice if you want power and speed. Besides the superior speed, they also offer a lot of realism in terms of sight (smoke), sound (tuned pipes), and smell (exhaust gases).

Over the past few years, the quality of nitros has also seen a significant improvement, making them safer and more reliable than they were in the past. You’re still going to need a battery pack for the car’s transmitter and receiver. There are two types of nitro motors – 2-stroke and 4-stroke motors. 2-stroke engines are those found in chain saws, motocross bikes and weed whackers, and they don’t have a separate oil reservoir, so the oil that lubricates the engine is included in the fuel mix. 4-stroke engines, on the other hand, come with an oil reservoir, so they depend less on the oil/gasoline fuel mixture for lubrication. When using a nitro RC car for racing, you’ll have to refill the fuel tank every 5-10 minutes.

Ready-to-Run vs Building Your Own

remote controlled race car
source: RC Car Action

Ready-to-run models are ideal for people who want to jump in on the fun as soon as they buy the RC vehicle. Building your own kit can be complex and time-consuming, but nothing beats knowing the ins and outs of your RC vehicle if you’ve built it from scratch. Building your own kit can also save you money.

The time it takes to build your own kit will depend on your experience, the type of car, and the manufacturer. Some cars come with more parts than others. Electric RC cars come with fewer parts than nitro cars, but regardless, you should be patient, and look up videos and instructions on how to properly do build one from the ground up. It’s strongly recommended that you get a ready-to-run model first and get familiar with how it runs before you try to build one from scratch.


Motherhood brings so many joys. Your baby boy’s laughter, his smiling eyes, his hugs and giggles, and of course, his cute adorable clothes. Shopping for baby boy clothes is fun, and putting it all together afterwards can be an exciting challenge. Luckily, there are a few ideas that always work and can help you dress up your baby as a cute, yet handsome little man.

Dress Your Boy Like a Mini Grownup


There are cute, small versions of baby boy clothes that can make your son look like a small gentleman. This is a great outfit option for weddings, engagements and other more formal occasions. You can find these in various styles. Stripes, bow, and a vest romper can make him look like a little groom baby. However, you don’t have to go for the classic black and white options. There are beige pants that can go great with a white button-down shirt and a bow tie in the same colour.

Make the Outfit Fun with Unique T-Shirts


The options for T-shirts are many – from polo shirts, V-necks, rugby style shirts to trendy T-shirts with unusual prints and logo designs. From monsters and animals to bold colours and creative patterns, you will surely find many pieces of baby boy clothes that will make your kid stand out and make you smile each time you look at him. One other option that many find to be creative is definitely the different messages your baby’s T-shirt can say. “I got it from my momma”, “A small troublemaker”, his age shown in a fun way are just some of the options that you have available.

Embrace Creative, Bold Patterns


Don’t limit your creativity to solid neutral colours only. Go ahead, try out bolder colours and patterns like stars, stripes or rainbow-like outfits full of colour and life. Flowers can also work, even though mothers rarely opt for them when they look for baby boy clothes. You can also include bands, movie characters, sports clubs and players or any other celebrity you like and make your little baby look like a real, devoted fan.

Play with Caps, Pants and Shoes for a Complete Outfit


Since T-shirts are so versatile, it is only understandable that pants will follow this trend. Formal, track pants, shorts and slouch pants are all available in miniature versions to fit your adorable baby. In this case, the patterns, colours and models are also many, making the entire process of matching them with the rest of the outfit much simpler and quicker. Caps and shoes are also an important part of your baby’s outfit in order to make it complete, and completely cute. Choose models and shades that match and enjoy the sight of your little fashionista all day long.